Web Marketing

Web marketing is about enthusing people using the Internet to do business with you. Engage, make them happy.

Where on the internet?

Your internet presence includes your website, your social community, and your business community. Your website can be found by:

  • Using a search engine such as Google or Bing
  • With a link from another website or directory
  • Using the web address from printed material such as a business card
  • Via social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube
  • By recommendation both on and off the internet.

Accessing the Internet

Websites must be usable on different devices and operating systems, in both landscape and portrait orientation:

  • Mobile phones
  • Tablets and note devices
  • Desktop PCs, Macs, and Unix based systems

The website we build for you will “respond” to the device and its orientation by changing the way pages are presented.

For specific uses, a mobile “app” may be useful, it requires development. This is not a substitute for a website.

Search Engines

Search engines are the primary method to find information via websites on the internet. They do this by:

  • indexing website pages in a large database
  • matching indexed web pages with the search phrase
  • presenting the most relevant and popular pages within the natural result listings
  • linking the results to geographic location, the “local pack”
  • presenting sponsored listings (pay per click results).

Search engines present results relevant to your search phrase. Relevant pages are then placed in a result listing using a ranking algorithm. The ranking is determined by many factors including page content, the number of clicks through the search engine, and the number of relevant links to the website.

Google is the most used search engine – because it delivers relevant results, followed by Bing then others. Over 80% of websites are initially accessed using search engines. If the web address is known, this may be entered directly into the browser, bypassing the search engines.

Search Engine Optimisation

The starting point is to present an information-rich website with words and phrases that are a true representation of the subject – which the search engines are able to analyse and digest!

Then regular additions and updates to keep information relevant and current. Links back to the website will then develop, more quickly if links are actively sought.

It is possible to be at the top of a search listing immediately using pay per click advertising. Pay per click may help to begin with, but the natural result listing is important for the long term and will greatly enhance your business profile – and will cost a lot less!

Some facts about search engines

  • If your website is listed with search words relevant to your business, more people will see your website
  • The website text content must reflect your business
  • Search engines need telling about your website
  • Once indexed, a website needs to be further optimised for relevant keywords and phrases as the website changes
  • Web pages are ranked, based on the search engine scoring process
  • Your site may be pages down the result list with the relevant search words
  • Your brand will be more prominent if higher up the search result list
  • Getting your website high on a result list is a complex process
  • Search engine algorithms and the scoring process change regularly and are not published
  • There is no guarantee of a search result placing, we can only assist the process
  • Websites can take many months to be indexed by Google and can vanish from Google then re-appear
  • Google and the other search engines publish guidelines for successful indexing, which must be adhered to
  • Don’t be fooled by claims of a page 1 result listing within days or weeks, this may happen but with a less used search phrase
  • Websites can be demoted for disregarding search engine rules

Social Media Marketing

Integration of your website with social media is an important aspect to marketing your business, this does depend on your business and how you run it as to which you use. The main ones for business are:

Google My Business. Google uses the location and maps to tailor search results geographically.

Facebook Page. Good for regular and frequent customers to keep them informed, but all businesses can benefit from a page.

Twitter. Keep people informed of new products, services and offers and include links back to your website.

Youtube. Youtube videos are indexed by Google. Videos can be embedded on your website. Vimeo is an alternative.

LinkedIn. Individual business profiles and discussion groups, good for gaining authority on your subject.

Instagram.  Good for pictures.

The success of social media in your marketing depends on regular activity, comments, and a positive contribution to a discussion. Hard selling and pushing your brand can irritate others.

Prospatek Services

The Prospatek search engine optimisation services will promote your website in the natural result listings.

You may have a great looking website …. but the benefit will be more if it can be found easily!

Please call or email to get started

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