What is a good website?
Telling Your Story
Think of a website as a book about your business, with many small chapters. It tells your story in a logical way, with a route through to help understand your business, captivating visitors to a valuable conclusion:
- Starting at the introduction (home page or landing page)
- Visitors need to see the main topics (the chapters)
- Then explore your business in detail (the pages)
- Following a clear route, so good navigation and menus
- A call to action, to tell visitors what you want from them.
We engage with you to understand the various parts of your story and the priority of each section.
A Book or Magazine?
Well, consider this: a book when written is static, it may have a revised version after a period of time with minor updates. It’s easy to find websites like this, in fact many small business websites don’t change for years.
A novel will be read, put on a shelf, then forgotten. A good reference book will be consulted for much-needed information, as long as it’s current.
A magazine on the other hand is dynamic, published on a regular basis. Each publication appears regularly, reminding the reader about the subject. It has relevant and current topics such as news, blogs, articles.
A Good Website
A good website is both a reference book and magazine: providing a mine of core business information, and new information that grabs attention, compelling visitors to return for more.
- We create static pages for you with essential content (see below).
- We then assist you with dynamic content such as case studies, projects, news and other articles as your business develops.
Websites by Prospatek adopt the above principles, so please give us a call to go over your ideas.

Essential Content
Essential website content is good for visitors and search results. The website will demonstrate expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness confirming reputation and credibility. It demonstrates you are an authority on your subject – a true guru. Every website should have:
- Who you are – an open and honest about us section
- What you do – description of products and services
- Who you do it for – your market areas
- What you have done – real projects, real case studies
- What others say about you – testimonials, reviews
- What you want visitors to do – a clear call to action, buy, contact.
- How to engage – clear processes and terms
- Current information and news – a blog, news
The Technical
How the website is built, the hosting service, security and maintenance are all important. This means:
- Fast loading website – faster usually means more cost
- Easy to use content management system
- Flexible software, with functional options
- Secure website – this is with the padlock and SSL certificate
- Responsive – the website responds to the size of the device
- Protected from attack – features to prevent and warn of attacks
- Managed software updates
Prospatek websites use WordPress with a reliable theme, security set to reduce the risk of attacks including SSL, using a first-class UK hosting service. A solid base for a good website.
Please call or email to get started